加拿大移民来源国 2015-2020.07 Canada - Admissions of Permanent Residents by Country of Citizenship, January 2015 - July 2020 |
申请国家 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | |
总计 | 总计 | 总计 | 总计 | 总计 | 七月 | 总计 | |
印度 India |
39,340 | 39,705 | 51,590 | 69,980 | 85,590 | 3,195 | 29,800 |
中国(含港澳台) People's Republic of China |
21,000 | 28,960 | 32,435 | 32,220 | 22,830 | 1005 | 12,105 |
菲律宾 Philippines |
50,840 | 41,850 | 40,880 | 35,050 | 27,820 | 865 | 7,790 |
美国 United States of America |
7,655 | 8,485 | 9,140 | 10,905 | 10,780 | 405 | 4,275 |
巴基斯坦 Pakistan |
11,295 | 11,350 | 7,655 | 9,490 | 10,795 | 640 | 3,955 |
尼日利亚 Nigeria |
4,090 | 4,415 | 5,445 | 10,920 | 12,600 | 555 | 3,910 |
法国 France |
5,850 | 6,390 | 6,625 | 6,175 | 4,960 | 290 | 2,535 |
巴西 Brazil |
1,730 | 1,730 | 2,760 | 3,950 | 5,290 | 130 | 2,385 |
伊朗 Iran |
11,640 | 6,475 | 4,730 | 5,510 | 6,055 | 405 | 2,510 |
叙利亚 Syria |
9,850 | 35,000 | 12,060 | 12,045 | 10,120 | 245 | 2,390 |
英国和其殖民地 United Kingdom and Colonies |
5,360 | 5,805 | 5,310 | 5,660 | 5,635 | 225 | 2,365 |
韩国 Korea, Republic of |
4,105 | 4,010 | 3,980 | 4,800 | 6,105 | 205 | 2,045 |
全球总计 | 271,835 | 296,370 | 286,510 | 321,055 | 341,175 | 13,645 | 117,075 |
备注: 为了保护个人隐私,所有申请人数为0-5的,将以 “--”代替,出于相同的原因,所有其他数值都四舍五入到最接近的5的倍数,由于四舍五入的结果,数据的总和可能与所显示的总数不一致。 数据为初步数据,可能会有变化 Notes: — Please note that all values between 0 and 5 are shown as “--”. This is done to prevent individuals from being identified when IRCC data is compiled and compared to other publicly available statistics. All other values are rounded to the closest multiple of 5 for the same reason; as a result of rounding, data may not sum to the totals indicated. — Data are preliminary and subject to change. |
来源:IRCC,最新更新:2020年7月31日 Source: IRCC, July 31, 2020 |
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