雇主担保类别之-海外工人类/国际学生类/紧缺职业类;以及硕士毕业生类/博士毕业生类 评分
Employment / labour market factors 雇佣/劳工市场因素 | 分数 |
Job offer: NOC skill level 工作OFFER:NOC技术类别 | |
NOC Skill Level A – NOC技术类别A | 10 |
NOC Skill Level B – NOC技术类别B | 8 |
NOC Skill Level C – NOC技术类别C | 0 |
NOC Skill Level D – NOC技术类别D | 0 |
Job offer: 工作OFFER | |
NOC type NOC类别 | |
Type 0,1,2,3,9 – 类别0,1,2,3,9 | 10 |
NOC Type 4,5,6,7,8 – NOC类别4,5,6,7,8 | 5 |
Job offer: -工作OFFER:薪资 | |
$40 per hour or higher – 每小时40加币或更高 | 10 |
$20 to $39.99 per hour – 20-39.99加币/小时 | 5 |
Less than $20 per hour – 少于20加币/小时 | 0 |
Canadian work experience: duration加拿大工作经验时长 | |
(cumulative, full-time or part-time equivalent) 连续、全职或兼职工作经验 | |
12 Months or more – 12个月以上 | 4 |
Less than 12 months – 少于12个月 | 0 |
Canadian work experience: 加拿大工作经验 | |
NOC skill level -NOC技术类别 | |
NOC Skill Level A – NOC技术类别A | 3 |
NOC Skill Level B – NOC技术类别B | 0 |
NOC Skill Level C – NOC技术类别C | 0 |
NOC Skill Level D – NOC技术类别D | 0 |
Canadian work experience: earnings history 加拿大工作经验:收入历史证明 | |
(based on a Notice of Assessment issued by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) in the last five years)
基于过去5年内加拿大税务局颁发的评估通知 |
$40k or more earnings in a year – 每年收入40K加币或更多 | 3 |
Less than $40k earnings in a year – 每年收入少于40K | 0 |
Education 教育 | |
Highest level of education 最高教育水平 | |
(Canadian credential or Educational Credential Assessment) 加拿大学历认证或ECA评估 | |
PhD – 博士学位 | 10 |
Masters – 硕士学位 | 8 |
Bachelors or equivalent – 学士学位或同等学历 | 6 |
College diploma or trade certificate – 学院文凭或培训证书 | 5 |
Less than college or trade certificate – 不够学院或培训证书水平 | 0 |
Field of study 学习领域 | |
(Canadian credential) 加拿大资格 | |
Engineering – 工程 | 10 |
Health care – 健康管理 | 10 |
Math and Computer Science – 数学和计算机科学 | 9 |
Business and Administration – 商业和行政管理 | 7 |
Trades – 贸易 | 7 |
Social, Legal, Education and Science – 社会、法律、教育和科学 | 6 |
Arts and Humanities – 艺术和人力资源 | 5 |
Canadian education experience 加拿大教育经历 | |
(credential must be for a degree or diploma program from a Canadian public institution that takes at least two years to complete on a full-time basis, or for a degree, diploma or certificate program from a Canadian public institution that takes at least one year to complete on a full-time basis and requires a degree as an admission requirement)
学历必须是从加拿大公立教育机构获得的至少2年全职的学位、文凭或证书项目;从加拿大公立教育机构获得的至少1年的全职的学位、文凭或证书项目是最低要求。 |
More than one Canadian credential – 超过1个加拿大学历 | 10 |
One Canadian credential – 1个加拿大学历 | 5 |
Language 语言 | |
Official language ability 官方语言能力 | |
CLB 9 or higher – CLB9或以上 | 10 |
CLB 8 – | 6 |
CLB 7 – | 4 |
CLB 6 or lower – CLB6或以下 | 0 |
Knowledge of official languages 会几种官方语言 | |
2 Official Languages – 2种官方语言 | 10 |
1 Official Language – 1种官方语言 | 5 |
Regionalization 地区 | |
Regional immigration: location of job offer 地区移民:工作OFFER地点 | |
Outside GTA – 大多伦多地区以外 | 10 |
Inside GTA – 大多伦多地区以内 | 6 |
Regional immigration: location of study 地区移民:学习地点 | |
Outside GTA – 大多伦多地区以外 | 10 |
Inside GTA – 大多伦多地区以内 | 6 |
Strategic priorities 战略优先 | |
To address immediate labour market needs in the province or a region of the province. As determined by OINP on the expression of interest system invitation to apply webpage – 能够尽快满足省劳工市场需求。通过安省OINP表达意愿系统获得邀请信。 | 10 |
总分:100分,从高分往低分挑选。 雇主担保近期最低邀请分数是37分 。 |
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